HowImDoing gives students and their parents, teachers and tutors, quick and intuitive access to a clear view of what has been achieved in any area of the Australian Mathematics curriculum (7 - 10 and expanding).
Why is HowImDoing diagnostic? The graphics you see here show how you can very quickly identify a student's area of study - and any difficulty or success. As a teacher, tutor or parent you have full access to all effort and results for your students and an ultra-simple way of directing them to any area of study. Click the 'Teacher, tutor, parent join up' button above and create an Arithmetika account!
Why is HowImDoing adaptive? Arithmetika knows how all the Content Descriptions are related to each other. The student can very easily shift to any easier study area or a harder one. Read on for more details!
The tasks in HowImDoing are the same as the tasks in the Sticky Star programme, however the experience is quite different. In the HowImDoing experience, students pick and choose tasks from anywhere in the curriculum. In the Sticky Star programme the tasks are delivered to the students in a graduated sequence, moving through topics in order determined by such factors as difficulty and prior needed knowledge.
Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 tasks are good to go. 10A follows shortly
Watch a brief video of the HowImDoing student experience
The Substrands
Some but not all substrands run all the way through from K to 12. For example,
- Number and place value runs from F to 8
- Real numbers from 7 to 10A
- Using units of meaurement from F-10A
In the illustration on the right the substrands in Year 7, Number and Algebra are shown, with the student's progress indicated in each. As you will see below, each substrand has a number of Content Descriptions (Topics) and there are a number of tasks to complete in each topic.
As you can see our student has made some progress in Number and place value. The student clicks on any subtrand to view its Content Descriptions (Topics).
The Tasks
Arithmetika HowImDoing suggests these twelve tasks for demonstrating mastery in ACMNA149 on index notation and prime numbers.
Our student has finished five of them and started a sixth.
Adaptive connections
If the student is struggling with a set of tasks it is very easy to pull up an easier set of tasks. By the same token, if the student needs more challenging tasks it is just as easier to pull up harder tasks. Buttons for these shifts are available at this juncture
In the first edition of HowImDoing the links are to tasks in the same substrand in the previous (or next) year. In future editions there will be a wider range of links such as to tasks that are a needed skill but in another substrand.