One of you is 'Admin'
You or one of your colleagues is annointed the Arithmetika Administrator of your tutoring service. The account administrator manages the tutors, tutoring groups, student enrolments and parents' details. Administrators are also the prime contact person between the tutoring service and Arithmetika on the Web.
An Arithmetika account is fully self-managed
As Admin you very quickly add details of all the maths tutors and their groups of students. You don't need to add each student's details. Just tell the students the Access Code for their tutor group and the link (URL) to sign up. You can also delegate or share some of the responsibility for user management with teaching colleagues by making them 'Deputy Admin'.
You are automatically allocated a 'holding bay' class - where you can put students when they are between classes.
Tutors can manage their own classes, shuffling students between classes etc. and changing student details..
Not a tutor?
From the top menu above, select Parents, Teachers or Students